My name is Paulina Monge Siles. I am 21 years old. I was born in Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica, and I live in the same place. I graduated from high school in 2016. Now, I am studying English Teaching. I have been studying it for 2 years and a half in Universidad Nacional. I love English, and I love teaching!

I created this blog to help! Yes! I know that there are a lot of people trying to work with their students, trying to improve their classes, but they do not know what to do, include or implement in their classes to make them more interesting and attractive for their students. 
Technology has changed the life of every single human that has within their reach any device that allows them to discover this big world of information. That is why it is important to know how to use it properly. And there is no other way than use it to teach English. Technology is essential when we talk about an ESL class. Students need to be focused on studying and learning, even more, each time, but it is a great deal keeping them concentrated every time. For that, students need to have a relationship with technology. They will feel comfortable by learning different important aspects of the language using applications and website on the internet. They already will feel familiarized with the activities and every step that you as a teacher will develop to help them grow. 


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